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Group of people in garden

Move, sweat, laugh and get your hands dirty with us! We are excited to invite you to be on the land and connect with this great high prairie we call home.

Volunteerchildren throwing their hands up at Elk Run Farm
Join Our Education Program

Providing immersive, nature- based education for humans of all ages. This model of education is inspired by the Waldkindergartens and Forest Schools of Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Finland, where children spend the early years of their education in entirely outdoor settings. All of Folk Farm classes are held outside, rain or shine, building healthy resiliency and regulation through exposure to the elements.

We offer a different program model for each age group, designed to support the holistic learning of each child.

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community gathered in garden at Elk Run Farm
Tours & Field Trips at Elk Run

Join us for simple day time classes and plant walks, workshop intensives, Permaculture Design courses, farm to table dinners, and celebrations with live music.

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Interested in hosting an event, workshop at Elk Run Farm?

Regenerative Design Application

Our Mission is to Restore the Earth and​our Communities through Regenerative Design. Through research, design, and implementation, we’re starting a movement to replenish communities and agricultural systems while restoring our planet to a thriving state.

If easier, please contact us at regen@dar.eco

Request Form