Food Solidarity Garden Volunteer Days
Move, sweat, laugh and get your hands dirty with us! We are excited to invite you to be on the land and connect with this great high prairie we call home.

When: Most Thursdays Mid-May through Mid-Oct from 5:00-7pm
Where: The Food Solidarity Garden @ Yellow Barn Farm 9417 N Foothills Hwy. Longmont, CO 80503
What: Move, sweat, laugh and get your hands dirty with us! We are excited to invite you to be on the land and connect with this great high prairie we call home. Plus, at least half of the produce we grow gets donated right back into the community through local food relief organizations.
Details: DAR’s volunteer opportunities are child friendly. Closed-toe shoes are required and we recommend bringing snacks, a full water bottle, sunscreen/hat if desired, & layers to take off or put on depending on weather! Please RSVP so we know to expect you.
Register for
Thursday Volunteer Days
Yellow Barn Farm