Elder children education program

School Age Homeschool Enrichment

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Our 4 day per week School Age Homeschool Enrichment program offers an outdoor education setting for children ages 7-9 years old. Focused on project- based, experiential, emergent learning, this group dives deep into earth minded and child-led topics held by experienced elementary and outdoor educators, Mondays - Thursdays from 8:45AM - 3:00PM, at the Yellow Barn Farm.

At Folk Farm, we believe in the power of a holistic, land-based education that nurtures children's individuality and celebrates the beauty of learning in the natural world and within a community. This nature-based program is full of engaging hands-on activities, creating a curriculum that explores essential life skills through expeditionary learning modules while connecting with the cycles of Earth's rhythms, all in the beautiful outdoor classroom of an operating regenerative farm. Learning outdoors allows students to have space to find healthy channels for varying energies and impulses while they develop intrinsic motivation for learning and exploring the world, independently and with their peers. The outdoor classroom supports a more relaxed learning environment, and as a result, critical thinking and creativity become more accessible. Encouraging an understanding of leadership, students are given freedom to co-create activities and solve problems independently. This often looks like earth based arts and survival skills, supporting the farm by collecting eggs or other to-dos, plenty of movement, mindfulness practices, nature exploration, and inviting our voices to be heard through story and song!

Days: Mon-Thurs
Time: 8:45AM-3:00PM
Ages: 7-9 year olds 
Location: The Yellow Barn Farm 

Families can register for 2-day class offered on Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday or our 4-day class offered Monday-Thursday. Available options are contingent upon registration numbers that uphold a 1:5 teacher-to-student ratio.

The School Age program is hosted by Yellow Barn Farm.

The first step in our registration process is booking a call with Program Director, Michelle Witte.

Meet & Greet

Please join us for Meet and Greets to learn more about DAR's beloved outdoor education program, Folk Farm, that fosters connection between children and the Earth.

These meet and greets will focus on our School Age Homeschool Enrichment program (age 7-9) for the 2024/25. We invite any interested families to join us to learn more about what to expect by enrolling in our nature-based, child-led program and how to register. Visit with current teachers, program directors and advisors, and parents to explore the beauty of our programs! Get a chance to tour the land that our program is hosted on, and get your questions answered.

Meet and Greets
May 20th
Yellow Barn Farm
9417 N Foothills Hwy
Longmont, CO 80503

Got more questions?

Visit our FAQs page or, if easier, please
contact us at education@dar.eco

Go to FAQs
Check out our pricing


Whole Year Tuition -
Pay in Full Pricing
Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs
Whole Year Tuition -
Monthly Payments August-May
Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs
$880 (x10)
Fall Semester- Pay in Full (4 month semester)
Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs
Winter/Spring Semester -
Pay in Full, Price Per Semester (2 month semesters)
Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs
Book a Call

Our Teachers


What is your student to teacher ratio?

Our student to teacher ratio for the Elder Child program is 1 to 4.

How do you ensure every students safety on the land?

Educators are expected to hold a sacred container of safety around the freedom we offer in a child-led nature based program. This means we trust the children to hold their respect for self, others and environment first, allowing their capabilities to shine and helping them develop self confidence and efficacy. This looks like always keeping children in line of site and paying close attention to each student to ensure safety boundaries are held. Every teacher has a first aid kit and student emergency information accessible at all times. All staff maintain CPR, Basic Life Support, and Preventing Child Sexual Assault certifications.

How do you handle conflict resolution?

Whenever harm is caused, and usually accidentally, we ask the children to move through our check in. This looks like the friend who caused the harm saying “are you ok?” to the friend that feels harmed. If the friend receiving those words replies, “yes I’m ok” then the moment can be over and moved through. If the friend replies “I’m not ok”, then the expectation is that the other friend will ask “what can I do to help?” Varying degrees of scaffolding can be used here, and students are guided to bring suggestions in themselves “is there anything I can do? Can I help you rebuild what I broke? Do you need space?”  Usually children ask for space after a situation where they feel wronged. If the conflict was accidental, we are sure to enhance the dialogue as necessary to communicate the impact of our actions when not in a space of noticing, and the impact of our reactions when not in a space of wondering.